If you a manufacturer of motors, pumps, air con units, car parts ………… this list is endless. Then you no doubt need to product tough, durable labels to mark what these are. For traceability or spec. No matter what information you are putting onto these products you need to know that it will be there when you next come to read the label. More often that not the labels are unique or low volumes and can be any shape or size.
How do you produce these durable labels yourself?
The new DTM Print Catalyst is a laser marking label printer and cutter that allows you to take an already durable material and laser your design directly into the surface and then cut the label to any shape or size as required. All in one pass!!
There is no actual ink or print involved so nothing can smudge, fade or wear off. It’s single colour but ideal for asset tags or informative labels that need to survive whatever environment they go into.

The DTM Catalyst comes in 3 models. V2e, V4e & V8e. The materials and output are the same on each model. It’s purely the speed in which the labels are made which changes. The number in the title stands for the amount of laser diodes in the machine. V4 has 4 diodes so prints twice as fast as V2 and V8 is twice as quick as V4 and so on.
DTM Catalyst Models:
- Catalyst V2e – Entry level replacement for thermal transfer printers.
- Catalyst V4e – Twice the speed of the V2e model.
- Catalyst V8e – Twice the speed of the V4e model with throughput speeds & quality that can rival machines costing up to 10x more.

How does the DTM Catalyst cut labels to any shape or size?

Each model has an inbuilt cutter with a replaceable blade that can be programmed to cut and shape label you require. This is great for allowing you to produce multiple labels across or produce a odd shaped label to fit a certain product. It comes with PTCreate Pro software which allows you to create custom artwork and cut lines.
What industries would use the DTM Catalyst?
- Manufacturing
- Asset management
- Serial number production
- Automotive – Parts tracking & branding
- Aerospace
Where can you buy the DTM Catalyst printer?
HD Labels are a supplier of the DTM Catalyst so get in touch for more information or click on the link below to see the machine on our site.
DTM Catalyst